What is cloud storage ? To define cloud storage, we need to understand the exact cloud we are talking about here 🤷 . Firstly, for those new to the concept of cloud computing, we are not actually talking about real clouds 🌦 ️ you see in the sky 😀 , rather we are talking about supercomputers 🖥 ️ otherwise known as servers that can be accessed over the internet and the scalable software and databases that operate on those servers. So, by extension cloud storage is the process of storing data using those scalable software and databases on those servers which spans multiple locations and is usually managed by a hosting company. Cloud innovation have prepared for being the most solid choice for putting away information on the web. Long before now, most organizations used to depend on local storage 🖴 for storing their data. However today, keeping data online is the big trend as unlike the local storage, it permits boundless capacity of data. The beneficial thing about puttin...